Saturday, May 27, 2006

I feel like closing down my blog.

1:05 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The sun, sand and the sea. Not navy, ECP!

ECP with Florence and Yilin was heaps heaps fun. Time flies when you have great company and I have the greatest company today.
I finally fell from all the blading and the fall made me blade faster. The cycling was cool as well and it feels as if there is maximum workout, but nah.. no sweat at all. Everything was just a breeze. Literally as well.
The plus point is, we spotted an actor blading with a group of friends and the friends were just as cute, if not, more.
If only I can go to ECP with the girls every weekend... I laughed till I almost fell a third time.

I totally dig writing on sand. Yah, childish, I know.

We reached the end and just need a photo of evidence. But we got addicted...

One of the few decent photos that Yilin took. Knowing her and all...

Her candid shot...

Apparently, Flo is an easy target.

See, what did I say?

She even made Flo piggy-back her!

The hyper people that brighten my Sunday

And that is how I spent my Sunday. This week had been fabulous.

Looking forward to a better tomorrow.

11:09 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

Mandai zoo
We went to the zoo zoo zoo,
It was so cool cool cool,
You should go too too too,
We went to the Zoo zoo zoo...

My prayers were answered and the dark clouds cleared thought it was humid.

As usual, I was early. I could only stare longingly into the zoo while waiting for the latecomers.

And then the people came...

The folklore said that this animal is supposed to be some handsome prince ... ahh

And so we took a photo with the supposedly handsome prince, and it ran away in fright.

Poor Penguins.

We were at 'Garden with a View'. Never venture to that place because the last time I went to zoo, I was in school uniform.

Strawberry vanilla cream

And we rushed everywhere inside the zoo to catch live animal shows... This one was the reptiles. Yah with snakes. (But where are the snakes?)

And the elephant show... (But where are the elephants?)

And they need a rest because we walked more than 5 hours in the zoo! That was great workout!

The gruelling badminton game with Rena, Cecilia and Jeffery left my arms hanging loosly by my side. Can't wait for the blading and cycling at ECP tomorrow, the topography on Monday! Oh.. and the VCDs... Bliss + Peace...

9:57 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I have never put much effort in almost everything. Well, not that I know of. I guess that is how life becomes a bit boring that way. How do one live a passionate life when the hope and aspirations are all smothered by the education system here?

When I was in JC, I heard that the literatire teachers gave students nicknames. Yes, Teachers are humans and they DO talk about students behind their back. Ask Florence if you don't believe. Anyway, mine was "Jac-the-nonchalent". I think it wasn't meant to be taken in a negative light since I wasn't nonchalent in my work.

But I do have a couldn't-care-less look. Some call it Poker face, others call it blank face, which sometimes work to my advantage. Once in a whle, I still wonder why am I termed that. It would be interesting to know why.

Mask. Gosh I am good at that. When I was in SJAB and was chosen the course IC for sabotaging (I think), my heart was in my mouth the whole day. It was that bad. The greater the fear faced, the more courageous I became or appeared to be. My voice was louder, as if seizing the opportunity to vomit my fears. Gosh, they thought I was steady.

Maybe I was a chameleon in my previous life.

I had a great time out with Florence yesterday. When I say great, it is really great. It's nice to play the role I should be playing.

This shopping queen is actually a water bucket. Or so I think. How do one drink that much water within a day???

We went to catch a foreign film at cineleisure. I love the idea of foreign films, of entering the world of untapped grounds. I like the idea of not good-looking actors and the not good-looking actress. Makes it more real. How many 李东旭s are there walking on the streets? That aside, I am totally into movies and dramas and books. How is this: 8 books, 2 movies and 1 set of VCDs (definitely going to watch a second time!)? On top of that, shopping and walking around like time is the only thing I have in the world. Oh, and sleep, because they helps to fight pimples. sigh.. and the food too.

Fish and Co.

I was smart this time round, I didn't order a main course.

See the frog Flo got for me? I was spoiled rotten.

Jas hopes that I only like cartoon frogs. I confirmed her thoughts though I thought real frogs are kind of cute too.

When I was home, I hit the computer again. Finally finished that last episode. I have swollen eyes now. How to go to the zoo? BTW, today, Wednesday...

We are going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo, you can come too too too.....

We are going to the zoo zoo zoo....

8:29 AM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sometimes I feel like I am only a dog-earred. Fold the top corner, yes, it is important. Refer to it in the future ok? When it is important, when the situation calls for it, refer to it. A vague memory of a dog-earred somewhere in the book. Or is it another? Oh, and the folding, its convenient. Fold and flip and Viola! Noted.

Sometimes, I rather be a beautiful bookmark. One with intricate designs. One that you continue reading from. One that marks important page. One that has significance.

And these, have nothing to do with attention. Its all about worth.

2:23 PM

Friday, May 12, 2006

Sometimes I wonder if there's ever an exact moment when your life changes. Does your life change slowly with each physical change you allow unto yourself?

Its amazing how everything seems stagnant at one point in time and a 5 mins time-out for recollection showed that much changes in many. There are no good or bad changes though, that is what I believe. At least life is not stagnant and that is a good sign. Stagnance is different from peace. It is like moving on at a constant rate rather than not moving at all.

I used to think that there are different stages that you have to tackle at a range of age before moving on to the next few challenges. My perception sort of shifted a little. The stages you defeated will return when new situatons call for it. You may not necessarily handle it well, but at least you know the direction it is coming from this time round. What is worse than unknowingly stepping on hidden landmines?

That aside, I am so disappointed in human beings. Maybe not disappointed. Upset. There are many different perpectives to an issue and what seems as trivial and unimportant to some could have meant the world to others. We could all do better if we work a little respect into our daily lives.

8:59 AM

Thursday, May 11, 2006


It probably didn't matter because not many people bothered about me and my whole ballooned-idea of my birthday. But I vaguely remember some promise about 'last batch of photos' or something before May comes and before April ends. Well, it's one week after May. Still, who cares? I call the shots here. HAHA

Ok, we were at Essential Brews at Holland V. I half-suspected that they brought me to somewhere more mild rather than other liquid something that sells alcohol. Haha... still, it was enjoyable, though I was such a poor company. Couldn't help it, I was half-dead then with all the assignments and with my tempremental computer giving me more than the once a month mood-swing. Then again, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I will show you why.

Ok, I have two great companies that are extremely entertaining without being so.

Not convinced?





See. I was ENTERTAINED and I don't need to speak much. The ball will somehow get rolling.

I am so blessed. Don't envy me.

(This shot was chosen because someone said that the picture looked better with the top part of his head cut off. Guess that was pure incidental perfect shot.)

The place was cosy enough. oh, look at my tired face.

I didn't want a cake and they got me apple strudel from Bakerz Inn. Can't argue.

It reads:

" Happy Birthday Se*y (Sounds vulgar to me, hence...) Diva! No cherries, but you settle for apples?"

And then I just have to settle for apples. The question was not a question afterall.

But that was the best 'cooked apple' I have ever tasted.

I love nicely wrapped presents! My twin knows my taste well.

This is my favourite shot because you can't see my face.

Nasa knows me well too . lol

The cartoon we always see are not too exaggerating afterall.

When you hold on to a present, your surrounding will really beam.

Nicely-boxed present 2.

My twin had probably seen the contents a million times, but she couldn't resist looking at it again. lol.

I was amused at something but I can't remember what.

Must be one of their weird theories or some bickering.

Ahh.. touched.

It was a leisure day. For a moment, I forgot about my assignments, about my bank account, about my dark eye ring, about my computer, about any obligations and responsibilities. Because 2 kind souls gave me lots of attention.





Get lost la, attention seeker!

8:04 AM

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Eric Sim aka Kukuthebird